CostShare: Don't waste money on rent

CostShare is a simple but very beneficial scheme that allows registered users to save money on the cost of renting physical space including hotel rooms and exhibition booths. Version 1 - the pilot version - targets Nigeria. Version 2 will target Francophone African countries.

Office Share

Office space rental is often the biggest expense for many companies. Office-share allows you to have your office space while keeping all the money that would otherwise have gone to your landlord. Find out how by clicking the button, below

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Factory Share

Factory share is similar to office share, above but for companies that would like to share factory space rather than office space. Also, like the above, you culd share by space or by time.

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Exhibition Share

Thanks to our new initiative, Many SMEs no longer have to decide between producing their goods or advertising these goods. We have created Exhibition Share to help SMEs share the costs of taking part in business fairs and exhibitions..

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Home share (timeshare)

Are you a regular visitor to a second country? Do you spend lots of money on hotels bills while visiting? would you like to save on your hotel bills without cutting down on the comfort the hotels give you? Then perhaps a home time-share is a great option for you.

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This section covers general settings, including language and currency settings. Creation of administrative users with different levels of access to the system, tweaking of tax configuration etc

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